Are women more emotionally intelligent than men?

Bestselling author Margie Warrell on Australia’s Sunrise TV – talks about women, emotional intelligence and how Lady Ashton from the EU is being praised for her emotional intelligence in helping broker a deal with Iran to halt their nuclear program. To read Margie’s Forbes column on this visit:

Learn more about Margie’s two bestselling books – Find Your Courage and Stop Playing Safe at her website

Glass Ceiling vs Glass Cage: What’s the biggest barrier holding women back?

Bestselling Author Margie Warrell is passionate about empowering women to grow their influence & impact. In this national interview on Australia’s Sunrise morning show, she shares how women can break through the glass cage and achieve greater career success. Get her latest book Stop Playing Safe at
Read her Forbes column Glass Ceiling or Glass Cage at

Why you must lean toward risk (and why you’re wired not to!)

Author Margie Warrell draws on her background in business, psychology and coaching to help explain the neuroscience of risk taking and why people need to lean toward risk.  Stop Playing Safe ( is a bestselling guidebook that helps readers “Know their why” so they can better assess risk, make changes they’ve been avoiding, grow their ‘risk tolerance’ to make changes, accomplish more and build resilience.  Get Margie’s Live Boldly Newsletter at

Don’t like to toot your own horn? How to self-promote without bragging

Humility is still a virtue. But false humility can leave you languishing. In this interview on Sunrise, author and coach Margie Warrell share’s the difference between tooting one’s horn to stroke a needy insecure ego and sharing information that educates relevant people about what you’re capable of doing. It’s just one bit of advice she shares in her latest book Stop Playing Safe (Wiley.)

Closing The Gender Gap For Women In Leadership

Judith Beck, founder of Financial Executive Women, discusses with Margie Warrell, gender differences and what it will take to close the gender gap — more self-promotion & delegation, less perfectionism and hesitancy!

For more from Judith Beck click here

Got Difficult Relatives? Strategies to handle them better with Margie Warrell


Bestselling Author Margie Warrell shares how to handle difficult relatives.

Margie Warrell on FoxNews & Friends – Marissa Mayer’s Parental Leave


Bestselling Author, Forbes Columnist and Leadership Coach Margie Warrell talks to Fox News about Yahoo’s, CEO Marissa Mayer’s decision to extend the paternity leave.

To get a copy of Margie’s new book Stop Playing Safe visit

Toot your horn, just don’t brag!

Humility is still a virtue. But false humility can leave you languishing. In this interview on Sunrise, author and coach Margie Warrell share’s the difference between tooting one’s horn to stroke a needy insecure ego and sharing information that educates relevant people about what you’re capable of doing. It’s just one bit of advice she shares in her latest book Stop Playing Safe (Wiley.)

Money and Your Honey: How to Keep Finances from Affecting Your Relationship


Life coach, best-selling author, speaker and courage expert Margie Warrell talks about how to keep your relationship fresh and how to balance the stresses of today’s economic times while maintaining a loving relationship with your significant other on the Let’s Talk Live Show on DC’s News Channel 8.

How to Stay Up When Your Job Search Has You Down


With unemployment at its highest levels in years, looking for a job in today’s tough economy can really get you down. Life coach, speaker and author Margie Warrell gives advice on how to stay positive if you’re looking for a job and what steps you can take to help you find a job.