Tag Archive for: Adapting to Change

Why you must lean toward risk (and why you’re wired not to!)

Author Margie Warrell draws on her background in business, psychology and coaching to help explain the neuroscience of risk taking and why people need to lean toward risk.  Stop Playing Safe (stopplayingsafe.com) is a bestselling guidebook that helps readers “Know their why” so they can better assess risk, make changes they’ve been avoiding, grow their ‘risk tolerance’ to make changes, accomplish more and build resilience.  Get Margie’s Live Boldly Newsletter at margiewarrell.com

Why it’s crucial to Stop Playing Safe in business & life. Margie Warrell on Sky News


Author & Forbes Columnist Margie Warrell discusses her new book Stop Playing Safe (Wiley) on Sky Business News with Carson Scott. More information: www.stopplayingsafe.com